The Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology/ Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia (BJAN) is the official journal of the Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology (SBA), which supports the journal completely – the cost of publishing is on behalf of the Society, with no charges to authors. The BJAN publishes original work in all areas of anesthesia, surgical critical care, perioperative medicine, and pain medicine, including basic, translational and clinical research, as well as education and technological innovation. In addition, the Journal publishes review articles, relevant case reports, pictorial essays or contextualized images, special articles, correspondence, and letters to the editor. Special articles such as guidelines and historical manuscripts are published upon invitation only, and authors should seek subject approval by the Editorial Office before submission. Before submitting a manuscript, authors should read the present Instructions to authors carefully Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the Journal’s online submission system <> and receipt will be acknowledged by e-mail. Problems with submissions should be reported to the Editorial Office. Decisions on submissions are final and will take place in approximately eight to 12 weeks. The BJAN accepts only original articles that are not under consideration by any other journal and that have not been published before, except as academic theses or abstracts presented at conferences or meetings. A cloud-based intuitive platform is used to compare submitted manuscripts to previous publications, and submissions must not contain any instances of plagiarism. Authors must obtain and send the Editorial Office all required permissions for any overlapping material and properly identify them in the manuscript to avoid plagiarism. All articles submitted for publication are assessed by two or more members of the Editorial Board or external peer reviewers, assigned at the discretion of the Editor-in-chief or the Associate editors. All editorial communications should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief. E-mail:
